Yes, I am that type of person. Every time the sun rays seem to shine a little bit warmer I immediately drop my coat, and even get my sunglasses out, that is how much I love the sun and the warm, sunny days. Which may also explain why I got a cold that made me feel and look awful these days, but that’s another story, one that my mum would probably not enjoy.

But for the record, I got better, and the weather got worse, and by worse I mean awful, I mean daily rain, I mean “Please, stop!”, so, be at peace, I did not let go of my coat anymore, or my umbrella. However, it felt really good to know that I had the inspiring sparkle to shoot these pictures on that once-upon-a-time sunny day, because it feels refreshing and it gives me hope that I might see the sun again soon and that my shades could see the light of the day again.

Apart from me loving sun and wearing my sunglasses, you’ve probably noticed that I love vintage pieces, as this blazer.The day I wore this, I got lots of compliments, and I didn’t even realize it was that nice, I only appreciated it because I liked its unique cuts, and for a girl that loves blazers, finding a unique/different one it’s a great thing. Anyway, the reason why I love vintage pieces is that they can be easily found in today’s trends, so lots of the pieces that I wear may be even my age, but as fashion has gone back to the same principles as then, I might as well make use of them. Who’s to thank for that? My mum. I barely ever let her throw away anything, whenever she makes some changes into her wardrobe, she knows I will be there rescuing a couple of sweaters, some blazers and probably a few skirts.

When I visited the Fashion Museum “Museo del Traje” in Madrid, which follows the trends’ history, I thought it was impressive how similar today’s trends are with some of the older ones, which is an interesting thing (and really favourable for me, as I get all these “new” clothes to play around with, but also, it’s a pity that somewhere down the line, we lost some originality.

Either way, I don’t complain about any of those, I really like these new trends, I enjoy the new collections that are showcased at the Fashion Week these days and I certainly don’t complain about being able to revive some older garments.

I live you with the hope that the sun will come again soon and this windy/rainy/England like weather will go away for good and also I invite you to let me know your opinions about current trends, I always enjoy having conversations about this!

Much love, D.














I was wearing:

Blazer – Vintage

Shirt – Top Shop

Jeans – New Look

Pearl Bracelet – Avon

Bracelets Set – No particular brand

Sunglasses – Ray Ban

Ring – Avon

Boots – Clarks

Bag – Herve Leger

Photos by Alexandra Gill.

