Last day of the weekend, but at the speed that my life goes with right now, I didn’t even realize it was the weekend at all. That and the fact that I had an exam on Saturday morning – definitely did not feel like weekend. However, even if I still have to study for my last few exams, I decided to enjoy the Sunday for a bit, at least, in some study breaks..

My life has been moving sooo fast these past few days, that I literally had to ask for confirmation on the day we are on… I did 2 exams, traveled to England and back by bus in less than 2 days, came back and took another exam. I am a bit messed up, to be fair! And my sleeping schedule does not exist anymore, basically, I sleep after I fulfill all my daily goals, so that may take a while..

Although it sounds tiring, and it really is at some point, I am extremely grateful for all this! I love my life being busy, makes me feel like I am doing something, like I am evolving, like I am one step closer to where I want to be! So, in all tiredness, I wouldn’t change this! Maybe I’d take out 1 or 2 exams, but other than that, nope.

Still, we sometimes need to take a step back and slow down. We should always remind ourselves that it’s not the destination that brings the happiness and success, it’s the journey! So we need to enjoy that journey as long as it lasts!

So, for this summer ahead of me, after closing this beautiful Erasmus chapter, I plan on slowing down, and enjoying some time with my family, my friends…I don’t plan on stopping, not at all! But I plan on enjoying the little things, and make some memories that I will take with me when I leave home once again at the end of the summer!

Yes, go confident in the direction of your dreams, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey, you might get a bit caught up sometimes, and miss some moments that you wish you wouldn’t have. And, in the end, time is the only one that does not come back, so hold on to beautiful moments and convert them into long lasting memories!

On that note, today’s outfit is a weekend one – all comfy! I finally found a pair of shorts that I like, and they’re high waisted and a pretty summerish colour, so I cannot wait to play around with them, and include them in my summer outfits! As a start, I paired them with this loose shirt, to keep a chill vibe – it’s weekend after all! And some gladiator comfy sandals are my to-go for when I want to be really chill and not think about my feet starting to hurt – with that being said, long walks, here I come!

Hope you’re having a lovely weekend so far, remember to slow down and enjoy the Sunday, and I’ll see you tomorrow, as promised, with the summer wishlist!


Love, D.













I was wearing:

Shorts – Pimkie

Shirt – H&M

Sandals – Deichmann

Bag – Herve Leger

Ring – H&M

Sunglasses – Primark

Photos by Emma Hannon.

