by Diana Iusco | Feb 5, 2018 | Inspiration, Outfits
Hey dear, I cannot believe how time flies and it’s already February as I’m writing this. And at the same time, January felt like a year in itself. Mixed feelings. Either way you look at it, if you think January took its sweet time or that you basically rang NYE straight into February, I think we can all agree with the forever going around quote – January was a trial month, February is game time. So, how’s the game going? With the Super Bowl just gone and quite a few good football games this weekend, it seemed appropriate to ask. However, I am not talking about them, we all know football/soccer game reviews can take pages, so I’ll stick to my subject. How’s the resolution plan going? Did you manage to start ticking things off the list? Well, let me tell you my status. I started January very motivated, like damn, this is my year. And that mood hasn’t changed, I am still on track to making it my year although, I did spend most of my January in the library, breathing and dreaming about my assignments only and the rest of the time, recovering. So, my motivation was there, but somehow, I was lacking time. So I used this trial month to reflect and decide I need my planning to be even more specific and timely. It’s all about SMART goals, peeps aka Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and in a Time frame kinda goals, in case you missed the Marketing class, I explained it all when I set my resolutions – see them here. So now that January...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 14, 2018 | Inspiration, Outfits
Hi there, Hope you’ve managed to get back into the rhythm with work, school or any other cool stuff you’re doing and that your January is all smooth sailing! Because let me tell you… I thought mine would be, but clearly it isn’t. Not sure if I need to learn a lesson this month or if I have just purely forgotten how to adult, but maaaan it has not been easy to be back. I haven’t been home for such a long period of time for a couple of years now so of course I jumped at the opportunity to be home once I had it. But if you’re like me, you know that being home is nothing like your usual life. First of all, I always announce my family that when I am back I am the child of the family and I should be treated as such. I hang up my independent lifestyle as soon as I step into the house and from then on I am doing as told or being as playful and childish as I wish, because it’s the place where I can be that and nothing bad will happen aka I’ll miss uni or won’t pay attention at work or do the – oh so boring – household maintenance such as laundry and shopping for cleaning stuff and so on. Okay, I’m joking, I’m still acting as an adult, but I’m just taking it easy, you know? But this time, when I got back I just forgot how to switch ‘home mode’ off and I stayed it that easy mood as if someone...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 7, 2016 | Outfits
Hello, How is January going? Can you feel the January blues that everyone is talking about? Rumour has it we’re supposed to be lunging for our holiday and keeping a sad face all day to prove that we just want to go back to eating Christmas food and quit this reality. I cannot say I’m happy that the holiday is over, because as you know, for me holidays are more than eating and having fun, they are also a time when I get to see my family and my closest friends. This time, it went by so fast, that I barely saw friends, and instead I prefered to stay as much as I can with my family, especially because, unlike other times, this time I don’t have a set date for when I will be reunited with them. Leaving all that aside, I don’t really feel sad or down or anything like that. I like to see the end of an year as a closure and so the new year is a new beginning. A new chapter ready to be filled with happy days! Unlike others (and me in previous years) this time I didn’t set myself any goal that I know would be impossible to achieve by the end of this month. I decided to give myself time and space to reaccommodate, to find a pace that I’m happy to keep and to go with it! So to fight the blues, I decided to share with you an urban look today. I got my leather jacket with me, put my shades on and walked that walk into the...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 5, 2015 | Inspiration
Heeey guys, I just arrived back in England today and I feel like I could fall asleep anytime! Thank you, good friends for picking me up and taking me for coffees and offering me some great laughing moments to cheer me up from the homesickness which is still taking over me. Anyhow, apart from these emotional tornados that are upon me, I also feel there is a need for some change in my life, and I am not talking about “New Year changes” that usually don’t go past the first week, I am talking about the feeling that you get when your body is begging you to stop giving it delicious haevy food and stuff it with holiday cakes. So, see? It’s not me, it’s my body who asks for a detox and I am ready to give it to it. To be honest, I have never been, and probably never will be a fan of strict diets. First of all, because your body gets really confused if you go from an “All inclusive” holiday back home to a “Not eating” plan, and second of all because I do love food and I have tried to keep these kind of diets before and they made me unhappy because I would crave stuff and get frustrated and probably eat them anyway after a while. So, I like this better: go green, but live a little! Therefore, here are the steps that I am inputing for my January Detox: 1. Drink Water – a lot of water. I already do it, and I guess it’s harder at the beginning, and then...