When in Leuven… #todolist

When in Leuven… #todolist

As promised, my last post about my Erasmus talks about stuff to do in Leuven. If there is something that I liked about the city it’s that, even if small, there was always something to do, and places to see, and well, you could never get bored. First and foremost, there’s the Oude Market – as many bars as you can count, but you will probably lose your counting abilities if you try them all at once. However, together they get the title of “Longest Bar in Europe”, so that’ something you have to try. They also take huge pride in their beers, so if you are a beer lover, you shall visit their Stella Artois factory that is also in Leuven. Giving that I am a lady and I am not really a fan of beers, I usually seek for flavoured beers instead, and so I came to find the Kriek, and ever since I found it, was the only type of beer that I chose whenever there was no wine. It has a really nice cherry flavour, so if you are into that, I would recommend you to try it. If not, I am sure you will find something that you like, there are hundreds… But let’s make this clear, beer is not the first thing that I looked for when I was in Leuven, it was chocolate…or waffles? Knowing myself, I think both. For chocolate, there is a cute, little Leonidas on the main street into the center that gives you the chance to pick & mix pralines, and while you are walking through the city,...
The More, The Merrier

The More, The Merrier

People say it’s easier to have one photographer who comes along wherever you go and knows exactly how to shoot and what you want and there you go, you have your perfect shots in no time! When I started blogging, I used to think that! But then again, when I started I already had 2 that were taking turns, but these 2 are partners in crimes and work together, so their style is similar. However, I am always on the move, and not always surrounded by the same people, so of course, I knew that I would have to have more photographers, as I am traveling so much, And I thought it’s hard, and that it’s going to take so long to find someone and blah blah blah. You know all that negative thing that comes to your mind before the positive thing. Well, let’s erase that. I have worked with more than 10 photographers until now, and I can say that I love it! Wouldn’t it be easier to have one that’s always there and knows exactly what is it that you want out of the photoshoot? Yeah, well, I am not exactly the person to take the easy way. And working with different people is great! It makes me know exactly what I want and gives the opportunity to direct the shoot or collaborate for ideas with the photographer and so makes me get to know myself better and what kind of shots I want. Then, there was no session where I would not have had a great laugh with the person/crew behind the camera. So I...
Unpacking my Erasmus

Unpacking my Erasmus

This cute little decoration was the first one that I bought when I went to Belgium. I am a quote lover, but I never imagined how true of a prediction this would be, and how my life just “happened” these past 5 months, showing me that plans change, but…for the better! I have heard loads of stories about Erasmus semesters, from different people, and most of the people told me that it was a great experience, and that they would not have changed it for anything. And, surprise – surprise, it’s true! I have been home for a couple of days already, and giving the fact that my last week was hectic and that everyone was leaving, Erasmus was already not the same. So, I’ll admit, I was really excited to get home. I was looking forward to relaxing days with my family, to catch-up session with my best friend, to walks around the city and so on. Bottom-line: I was ready to go home. A couple of days later and some well-deserved sleep (still not enough, but, hey I cannot sleep my life away), I am still happy to be home, but there is something missing. I cannot go into my flatmate’s room and start chatting about how our day was, I cannot pop over to our neighbours and make dinner plans, and there is no night out planned with our whole group. So, yeah, it’s not the same. They say you cannot have the best of both worlds, and I truly know that. I have my family in Romania and I study in England, so I am...
Slow Down

Slow Down

Last day of the weekend, but at the speed that my life goes with right now, I didn’t even realize it was the weekend at all. That and the fact that I had an exam on Saturday morning – definitely did not feel like weekend. However, even if I still have to study for my last few exams, I decided to enjoy the Sunday for a bit, at least, in some study breaks.. My life has been moving sooo fast these past few days, that I literally had to ask for confirmation on the day we are on… I did 2 exams, traveled to England and back by bus in less than 2 days, came back and took another exam. I am a bit messed up, to be fair! And my sleeping schedule does not exist anymore, basically, I sleep after I fulfill all my daily goals, so that may take a while.. Although it sounds tiring, and it really is at some point, I am extremely grateful for all this! I love my life being busy, makes me feel like I am doing something, like I am evolving, like I am one step closer to where I want to be! So, in all tiredness, I wouldn’t change this! Maybe I’d take out 1 or 2 exams, but other than that, nope. Still, we sometimes need to take a step back and slow down. We should always remind ourselves that it’s not the destination that brings the happiness and success, it’s the journey! So we need to enjoy that journey as long as it lasts! So, for this summer...

June Bliss

Hey, hey! Not only that it’s Monday again, but it’s also the beginning of a beautiful new month, that is set to bring smiles on our faces and the summer breeze in our lives – June! As every new week is an opportunity to set new goals for yourself and make sure you’re going on the way of your dreams, the beginning of a new month is that and so much more! And when they clash, well, it should fill us with motivation and power to focus and conquer all our dreams! This is how I feel right now! Motivated and ready to confront everything! Always remember that the power is in within you to make the steps towards your dreams, and it’s only you the one that procrastinates or postpones these steps! I have recently noticed that I no longer had the motivation to do all the things that I wanted to do, so instead of doing them, I would say what I am going to do…But it doesn’t help saying them, if you don’t actually do them! So with the help of good friends and inner motivation I came back on track and I am ready to fullfill my wishes one by one, by hard work and focus! I can’t believe we’re almost halfway in 2015, so that makes me ask myself “How far are you with your resolutions?”. Do the same and let the answer only motivate you to achieve them or even overcome them all! Trust me, you can! We all can! So go out there and conquer the world! Had to give up heels...