by Diana Iusco | Sep 5, 2018 | Outfits
Hello my dear, It’s September, the only time of the year apart from New Year’s Eve when people see it as a new beginning, school either ends or starts or there is a new job, a new place, a new opportunity that is being taken and a new chapter that opens. But with all that comes the doubting for the right decision, the doubting in your own powers, in your capabilities and in your chances. Not today. So to to that I have only one thing to say: you have to go with your gut feeling. I’m in a period of my life where I cannot doubt myself or overthink (mainly because my dissertation deadline is way too close for that but also) because this is it. University is over, trial is over, it’s time to step into the real world, take my inner child with me and find my way as an adult while going confidently in my direction and building a life that I love and that I will be able to say I am proud of. It’s that time when we all ask ourselves if we’ll make it, if it’s all worth it, and we start second guessing our gut feeling which got us here in the first place. But to solve this, I know I only have to say one thing: YES, I do trust my gut feeling. Yes, there will be a lot of trial and error, yes, sometimes I will need people to see the best in me while I won’t, and yes, sometimes I will change paths unexpectedly and start over, but...
by Diana Iusco | Aug 28, 2018 | Outfits
Hello, my darlings! I’ve missed this, I’ve missed you! It’s been a summer with lots of ups and downs, more downs than I thought so I never got in the right mindset to come back here and write a new blog post. But I’m back and really planning to not dissappear again any time soon! I’ve shared a bit on my insta stories but not as much as I preferred to live offline for a bit more this summer. You know me, relentless, tireless and forever busy. By now, probably how most people describe me. So when I reached a point where stress was taking over most of my life and I wasn’t going to take a proper break, willingly, my health kicked me down, literally, so much so that I was forced to take that break. Turns out my body’s been aching for a while and I ignored it and so my organism became weaker and weaker to a point where I had to completely change my lifestyle and start taking medication to help with the shift. But with my immune system being down that caused a chain of infections and as a result, a month later I’m still not close to the end of the treatments. Why am I telling you all this? Because I know I am not the only one that goes hardcore for what she wants or what she needs to do, trying to make not one, not two things, but everythingggg perfect all at once. Sounds familiar? Or know someone like that? Then please read this or share it,...
by Diana Iusco | May 18, 2018 | Outfits
Good morning, my darlings! I am a strong believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that things happen at the time they are meant to happen but also that you have to work your a** off to get to your goals and dreams. See how these two are not always aligned? Like do I wait for things to happen or do I go for it? It’s been on my mind lately as it’s something that has always confused me. However, I think I have recently reached my conclusion. No one will ever be able to tell me that if you work hard, you don’t succeed. In one way or another. Sooner or later. Just as planned or completely different. But you succeed. Listen to any successful person you admire and you will see the word ‘WORK’ will come up in their speeches, A LOT. Now about the other side where you wait for things to happen, I think we should see it more like we look forward to things happening rather than we wait around, because that ‘looking forward’ thing does not mean you stop working until that happens and literally just wait around. One of Oprah’s inspiring interviews came up on my feed the other day and she was saying that you have to be ready for when your opportunity comes along. And I completely believe in that! Wait but know your breakthrough is coming, so that you don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s and wonder why yours isn’t as successful, because if I learnt something, is that you are not...
by Diana Iusco | Sep 30, 2017 | Outfits, Travel
Hello darlings, I have truly missed this, missed writing, missed you! I cannot believe my last post was in June, whaaaat? Time truly flies. And I know I ended that post with the willingness to keep writing and get back to regular posting, and for a while I really thought I would! But I ended up reaching a different conclusion and took this 3 months break, and I thought it’s time I’ll get back to it and start by telling you why… In June I have just finished my bachelor degree and as much as it has been an amazing experience, got out of it with a First Class degree, many friends and invaluable memories, I also felt the need for time away. It’s been a very intense year where I struggled at times to stay composed and fully committed to everything I got involved in. Knowing that, I planned my summer accordingly and it was all about travelling, spending quality time with friends and family and figuring out my next steps. I even debated changes for this baby, Destray, but as good things take time, I figured I could keep posting in the meantime, because – let me tell you – while I was travelling I shot so much content and I am way too excited to share everything with you. But I am taking it one step at a time – one of the lessons I have learnt this summer and part of the new adult version of Diana, whom I’ve noticed is changing by the day so I am just trying to get to...
by admin | Nov 23, 2016 | Outfits, Travel
I woke up this morning, well, struggled to wake up as it was an easy morning with nothing much planned and that doesn’t happen often these days so I wanted it to last for as long as possible. Anyways, I woke up being cold, thinking about warmer days and summer thrills. But then I realised I did not have many more late mornings or free time, apart from my few weeks of holidays, in which I regularly woke up early to make the most of my time with family and friends or if I was at the seaside to get to the beach and get some tan on. I feel like the lifestyle I am perpetually choosing is making me be a morning person. I still am not, by nature, but I “have” to be. Either to get the most out of my day or to get everything done. I am not enjoying the actual morning bit, but then I must say I enjoy having more time to get things done. However, in the rush that I live in, I am craving a holiday and couldn’t be happier that Christmas is coming, but I am a very summery person, so what I really crave is a summer holiday. Light dresses, pretty sunsets and that summer wind that gently touches your skin and leaves it tanned. So, with all these thoughts, I remembered about this summer photo shoot that I haven’t had posted yet. It was right at the beginning of my holiday, so I was not tanned AT ALL (see super white legs) but I was very happy, that...