Falling behind?

Falling behind?

My dear readers,   This is my first post of 2019 and it comes right after Blue Monday so well into January! But that’s because this year I wanted to really gather some thoughts before getting back to posting. A slow start doesn’t always mean one is falling behind now, does it? I hear this phrase a lot lately – “make sure you’re not falling behind” – and it’s being used to talk about many things really – career, personal life, buying a house or a car, travelling, having kids and the list can REALLY go on. It’s like everyone’s rushing to fit into this timeline. And now don’t get me wrong, I am a very organised person that goes by to-do lists, has a (quite old school, paper version) diary and ticks things off as she goes, so it’s not the ticking off that triggers me, it’s the pressure to do it in time. In time for what? And to a timeline set by who? For a person that has finished her masters a few months ago and has been on a job hunt since, this hit close to home. Because if you’ve ever been on a job hunt you’d know that some days it gets really demotivating, frustrating and all that waiting for a call or an email makes your life plain boring sometimes. Add the fact that I am used to being very busy and useful and I am…ahem…slightly impatient (okay, cut the slightly, but I’m working on it, okay?) and you’ll get why hearing that I’m falling behind is not my favourite catch phrase. I...
Back to Business

Back to Business

Hey you, How’s 2018 so far? Did you get back into your rhytm after holidays, lots of food, sleep, parties and family time? Don’t worry, it takes a bit, take your time, you’ll get there. That’s what I’m telling myself as well, I had a slow start to the year, but it allowed me to really think things through and figure out what I want to focus on this year. It also allowed me to spend more time with my family, my close friends who recharged me and gave me plenty of energy to last me a while, hopefully until I see them again. I did less work that I had set myself to do because I thought spending time with them and all this recharging is more beneficial and it will also allow me, when I get back to things, to start again strong and go full speed ahead! So now that slow motion start is going on fast forward and I’m ready to get back to business and go make 2018 my year. I’m currently at the airport, ready to board, and I must say, this is my favourite place to write articles. I’m in ‘no man’s land’ with a destination ahead and hopes and dreams that need some work done for them to come true. Also, this is the airport where I’ve had the saddest departures and happiest arrivals, so it kinda became my place where I think about my life, make plans, set goals. Hope you’re ready to work your way through this year and make it your best yet! Don’t forget to also enjoy...
Study Outfit

Study Outfit

Hello beautiful, Yep, still in the library and yep, still revising. Buuut, this is my last day this semester, so I am just taking a little break to talk to you and then I’m back at revising for my exam! Just like I did when I took these pictures. I was still at home, hence the snow, and I was writing an assignment, and during the break I thought I’d snap a few outfit pictures. This outfit probably sums up all my outfits this week, it is like the perfect outfit to study, really. Comfy, still lively, you don’t put a lot of effort into it, but it is stylish. There you go, feel free to rush to get into the library – you’ll still have a nice look! Also, I had a crush on this sweater ever since it came out, and I saw it being sold out online, in UK stores and then I finally found it in Romania, which made it hard to let go. I attempted to live in it, despite of my strong belief of not wearing the same thing twice days in a row. It was hard. Very hard. So, there you go, my studying outfit, minimal make up, the usual smile and the confidence that we’ll be fine through it all (this had a tendency of fading throughout last week, but I managed to get it back!). Now, I will go back to studying, cross my fingers for tomorrow’s exam – last one from my undergraduate degree – bittersweet! Good luck with everything, fellow students, we got this! I will be back...
Cozy Winter

Cozy Winter

Hello, hello, I am currently sitting in the library, going through my assignments and revising, so I thought this would be a good time for me to share some stuff with you and post some new pictures! Yes, I am trying to find excuses for my procrastination, but I am writing new content here soooo…still productive hehe! I told you I worked a lot for my blog when I was at home, so this month I will share with you all the outfits that I shot and all the beautiful locations I was in! Partly because I am homesick and being home feels like ages away and partly because I really wanted to bring a bit of snowy winter wonderland to the blog to help us through these January blues we are all experiencing right now! So when I was in Romania all I did was cozy up in big sweaters. It was really cold, so warm sweaters were my go to all day, every day! And you know me, I can’t resist the temptation of going through my mum’s closet when I’m at home, so my options became limitless! I found this sweater and this coat and I was surprised to find out that they weren’t bought together or from the place or even in the same year! Stunning, huh? I thought they look amazing together so I chose them for a little roadtrip. These pictures were taken at “Moara de Vânt”, a beautiful place not far away from Cluj, my hometown, where for a small fee you can spend some time with animals, feed them (they provide...


Hello there gorgeous, How has your week been so far? Have you started the weekend in style? Weekends have always been the week’s treats, we all know that, but ever since I started working full time, I began to appreciate them even more! And not because Saturday and Sunday are the days when I am not working, because most of the time, that is not the case, but because they are the days when I can sleep in and be cozy a little longer. I doubt this comes as a surprise, but in case you had no idea, I am not exactly a morning person. Not even, I am not a morning person at all. However, I used to be! I used to have no problems waking up every single day for school, but after university and chaotic schedules, that ability went away, it completely vanished! Unfortunately, now I am a person with multiple alarms in the morning that struggles to get out of bed. Which might also affect my capability of being on time, but that’s to be talked about in another post… I know me not being a morning person counteracts with being a workaholic and with hustling hard, but I think we all work differently. I work very well in the afternoon and I am most creative in the evening, hence my inability to get out of bed in the mornings… Either way, Saturdays translate to cozy days and start with a late morning in. So guess how today started? And if they include getting out of the house, what better way to continue the coziness...