On A Break

On A Break

Hi darlings, As I am writing this article, I am waiting for my flight to departure from England and head to my long missed home, Cluj. This is how the post should have started… I started writing it while I was in the airport, but then the internet wasn’t loading fast enough, sockets didn’t work and my laptop died. The end. And yes, this is one of those moments when you realise being a blogger comes down to having internet. No internet, no article. Anywayssss, enough blabbing, here’s the post… I am finally going on a break! A break with studying, lots of creative thinking, a lot of projects to be put in place, but which will most certainly start with a few days of complete relaxation. I am so excited to be with my family and spend some time with them. Turns out, ever since I started travelling and have lived away this is the year in which I spent the least amount of time at home. Yes, it is normal, you’d say, but at the same time, even if they say that it gets easier in time to be away from your loved ones, let me assure you it most certainly doesn’t, it gets worse… Anyways, I ended my time in Worcester this year with the cutest Christmas dinner with my girls, my second family and it felt exactly like a family dinner – it was the best! We had Swedish, Finnish, Turkish and of course, Romanian food and we ate until we couldn’t move anymore – as you do at Christmas, and then we went out...


We are all a mix of personalities. Just like a bag of “mix and match” sweets. We are born with a blank page that is being shaped by our family, childhood, environment, then we grow into a certain persona, we abandon or grow into that persona, we change it, we hate it, we don’t want to accept it, we like it, we embrace it. Bottom line, we go through a lot of feelings about ourselves. If one thinks we think a lot about the people we like, trust me, we think 100 times more about ourselves. And I don’t mean that in a vain way. Sometimes, maybe, but most of the times, we think about how our life is going, if there is something we can change to it, if we love it. Sometimes we even go all the way to think we could change it completely, just like that – new life, new me. But then we realise the “old me” is coming with us. I have met so many people that deny who they are, that don’t believe in themselves, that think of themselves worse than you would of a person you really despise. And I met people that are so comfortable with themselves, that live the life they want to live, that embrace that they cannot change some things, but they have all the power in the world on how they respond to whatever comes at them. And that makes the most impact on our lives, doesn’t it? The way we react to things. Life tends to thicken us, to make us hide our softness, to...


Hello there, Things are black and white now, as Thursday is coming to an end and Friday is slowly showing up leading us into the last weekend of October. What? 2 months left of 2016. Whoa, okay, didn’t see that coming. So yes, today’s outfit on the blog is black and white, as I kind of tend to see things these days, because I have no time for any gray areas really. Things are what they are. I know it’s not always the case, but when your life is moving at a fast pace, you don’t really get to overthink every little thing. Which is a blessing. Or not? I’ll let you decide on this one. But I don’t want to leave you the impression that this black and white lifestyle makes me sad. It really doesn’t. I am in a very, very happy place right now. I called my mum the other day and told her how blessed and lucky I am feeling with all the opportunities that surround me. I genuinely am in a good place right now. And you know, all good things come to an end, so I plan on enjoying every minute of it – being it black or white, because of course, some days are still hard, some things still attempt to knock me down, but slowly and surely I go through them all and go back to my positive vibes. So there’s one reason for my outfit choice. The second one is that – and this will most certainly not come as a surprise to people that know me – I like...
On A Journey

On A Journey

Hello there, I hope your weekend is going well and that you did at least one thing that made you relax and take your mind off things for a bit. After all, isn’t that what weekend is all about? About today’s post, I’ll be completely honest with you, I got the final edit of the pictures yesterday and I knew I wanted to post them today, but had no idea what to write about. I love the look, but it’s a casual one, it’s a look anyone can pull off and that doesn’t necessarily need an article to tell you the substance behind it. I still will, but you know, it’s a casual day outfit. What makes it dear to me is this bomber jacket as I wanted one for a while, but I wanted it to be a bit special, so this one has cute embroideries at the front aaand it’s pink. Yep, guilty. And the most special thing about this is that the choker I’m wearing is part of a yin-yang set with the second one being held by my bestie, so that we can be there for each other even when we are not physically together. So yes, a bit of substance behind it, I will give you that. But actually, while thinking what to write about while looking at these pictures I realised that it’s the “not knowing” element that makes everything better. I did not know where I am going when we shot these pictures. My friend and photographer took me to this little village and told me how cute it is. And it...


Hello darlings, It’s been a while now, so I figured it’s about time I share a snippet of my life around here. As you know, I have been on holiday – even though it feels like ages away now, it was awesome and relaxing and for once I got a tan whose lines are still with me, so even if I’m mad busy, they remind me of my relaxing days on the beach. My placement finished before my holiday so I thought that coming back will feel just like a second holiday with the Welcome Week coming up and all the free time that I would have as a student. But you know what they say, old habits die hard, so I came back committed to full days of work. They ended up being longer than my full time ones and all that combined with social life and seeing my friends once again and spending time planning for my Bright Futures society and playing volleyball – not much free time left, huh? I ended up being busier than usual, barely having any food or sleep, but still somehow being full of energy and enjoying every single day! The people I’ve met are all really lovely and they filled me up with good vibes and the power to keep going. Today I am also starting my lectures so dedicating some time to studying will also be in the schedule. It feels weird to not be in an office every day, I miss the team a lot! But I am excited to go back to being a student and having lectures...