We are all a mix of personalities. Just like a bag of “mix and match” sweets. We are born with a blank page that is being shaped by our family, childhood, environment, then we grow into a certain persona, we abandon or grow into that persona, we change it, we hate it, we don’t want to accept it, we like it, we embrace it.

Bottom line, we go through a lot of feelings about ourselves. If one thinks we think a lot about the people we like, trust me, we think 100 times more about ourselves. And I don’t mean that in a vain way. Sometimes, maybe, but most of the times, we think about how our life is going, if there is something we can change to it, if we love it. Sometimes we even go all the way to think we could change it completely, just like that – new life, new me. But then we realise the “old me” is coming with us.

I have met so many people that deny who they are, that don’t believe in themselves, that think of themselves worse than you would of a person you really despise. And I met people that are so comfortable with themselves, that live the life they want to live, that embrace that they cannot change some things, but they have all the power in the world on how they respond to whatever comes at them. And that makes the most impact on our lives, doesn’t it? The way we react to things.

Life tends to thicken us, to make us hide our softness, to make us seem tough people that have never been and never will be controlled by feelings. But are we really? But is it worth being like that really?

People always tell me I’m such a surprising mix – I always try to be as nice as I can be, I am willing to be too nice, even knowing the consequences. I help people, I spread kindness. But I know what I want and I go for it. I seem intimidating to some, bossy to others. I love hip hop, but wear girly dresses. I am a mix. Just as you are. Just as we all are.

And if that’s not the best of both (three, four, as many as you want) worlds. what is?

I wrote this post thinking about all the people that say that they admire my bold character to let them know that I have a soft side, probably bigger than my bold one, but that’s okay. I embrace who I am, I work on myself daily and most important, I love myself the way I am and accept my flaws, my mistakes, my bad decisions.

After all, I am my closest friend, right? So would you be as hard on you as you are on your best friends? Yeah, I thought so.

So love your mix, baby, and let the world know that you do! There’s no need to hide parts of you, because the people that you want in your life are so willing to see all the ingredients of the mix, not just the ones you think will make the cut!

So let’s start this week with some self love, shall we? Here’s a street outfit and a bold attitude that goes with my hip hop side of the mix!

Have an awesome one!

Hugs, D.











I was wearing:

Dress – Primark

Jacket – H&M

Choker – Stradivarius

Shoes – Ravalle

Pictures by Deea Sab.

