by Diana Iusco | Jan 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
Hello there gorgeous, How has your week been so far? Have you started the weekend in style? Weekends have always been the week’s treats, we all know that, but ever since I started working full time, I began to appreciate them even more! And not because Saturday and Sunday are the days when I am not working, because most of the time, that is not the case, but because they are the days when I can sleep in and be cozy a little longer. I doubt this comes as a surprise, but in case you had no idea, I am not exactly a morning person. Not even, I am not a morning person at all. However, I used to be! I used to have no problems waking up every single day for school, but after university and chaotic schedules, that ability went away, it completely vanished! Unfortunately, now I am a person with multiple alarms in the morning that struggles to get out of bed. Which might also affect my capability of being on time, but that’s to be talked about in another post… I know me not being a morning person counteracts with being a workaholic and with hustling hard, but I think we all work differently. I work very well in the afternoon and I am most creative in the evening, hence my inability to get out of bed in the mornings… Either way, Saturdays translate to cozy days and start with a late morning in. So guess how today started? And if they include getting out of the house, what better way to continue the coziness...