by Diana Iusco | Aug 28, 2018 | Outfits
Hello, my darlings! I’ve missed this, I’ve missed you! It’s been a summer with lots of ups and downs, more downs than I thought so I never got in the right mindset to come back here and write a new blog post. But I’m back and really planning to not dissappear again any time soon! I’ve shared a bit on my insta stories but not as much as I preferred to live offline for a bit more this summer. You know me, relentless, tireless and forever busy. By now, probably how most people describe me. So when I reached a point where stress was taking over most of my life and I wasn’t going to take a proper break, willingly, my health kicked me down, literally, so much so that I was forced to take that break. Turns out my body’s been aching for a while and I ignored it and so my organism became weaker and weaker to a point where I had to completely change my lifestyle and start taking medication to help with the shift. But with my immune system being down that caused a chain of infections and as a result, a month later I’m still not close to the end of the treatments. Why am I telling you all this? Because I know I am not the only one that goes hardcore for what she wants or what she needs to do, trying to make not one, not two things, but everythingggg perfect all at once. Sounds familiar? Or know someone like that? Then please read this or share it,...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 7, 2017 | Inspiration, Outfits
Happy New Year! I am back to work and hustle, so I thought I’d find a minute to catch up with you here and write my first post from 2017. A new year – sounds like a big deal. Is it? Well I don’t neccessarily see it as a “New year, new me” thing, but I like seeing it as a new beginning, a chance for me to write new goals down and actually it’s a time of the year when I feel very motivated. December is usually a month when I am not that motivated as it’s a month when I review my year – the good, the bad, and usually I tend to be very self critical. The good part is, all this month, which can turn into a down time at that moment, becomes the foundation of me being bery motivated to better myself in the next year. 2016 has changed me a lot – I have been through good things, bad things, I lived amazing experiences, I have got closer to some people, I have seen people distance themselves from me. A rollercoaster of emotions. I cried, a lot. Still, a lot less than in previous years. I started to see my fine lines coming up on my face from how much I laugh. And I couldn’t be less bothered. It means I am happy. It means everything I do makes me happy, it means my friends fill my life with great memories, it means my family is proud, it means I am ultimately proud of myself. So now I turn the page, take the...
by Diana Iusco | Dec 25, 2016 | Inspiration, Outfits
Hello darlings, Merry Christmaaaaas! I hope everyone’s Christmas is amazing and that you are spending it with people you love and that you took a moment to slow down this rush we live in and to appreciate the people around you. Appreciate what they do for you throughout the year, what they do for the world, how they make it a better place for you to live in. I am sure there is at least on person, family, friend, even a stranger that deserves a thank you and some kind words. As I grew up, I realised that Christmas was less about the presents that got me so excited as a kid, and more about me being blessed enough to be able to spend it with my family, to have a few days of appreciation towards them and their support, to step back and realise how much I have and how little others have and really think about it, you know? I let it sink in and I let it make me a better person and a more grateful person. We get lost sometimes in the rush for a goal, for a good degree, for a great job, for our dreams. And you know how vocal I am about people following their dreams! But you have to slow down and appreciate that people are still with you through it, they still love you, they still stand by you, even in your rush. And that is something that I really cherrish. Family is everything and I always put it first. And moreover, this year, I realised who are the friends...
by Diana Iusco | Dec 5, 2016 | Inspiration
Hi darlings, I hope your weekend was a good one and that you are now ready to make this week a great week! I have been thinking and I realised that I haven’t posted much in the Inspirational Monday section – out of lack of time, or lack of ideas. Whatever the reason, a post just didn’t make the cut. However, I wanted to tell you that I still feel inspired, actually, I feel more and more inspired each day. And as I told you in numerous occasions, I tend to get inspired by people, by their actions, their way of being, the way they deal with hardships, everything. But today I wanted to shift my focus towards a specific inspiration. Towards women that inspire me. I believe that women empowerment is one of the best things that women can get inspiration from. Understanding that it is not a competition, that we can support and encourage each other, that we can help each other grow, and most of all, that we can learn from each other, is something that I wish every single little girl would grow up knowing. My mum has always been an inspiration, my rock, my best friend. And she always taught me to be a good person, to see the good in others, to help others. She is also the one that taught me what real friendship is and was the first one to smile for me when I found good friends, that have now turned into my best friends. Catalina, my friend from home, frequent photographer and editor for this blog, has always, always...
by Diana Iusco | Oct 16, 2016 | Inspiration, Outfits
Hello there, I hope your weekend is going well and that you did at least one thing that made you relax and take your mind off things for a bit. After all, isn’t that what weekend is all about? About today’s post, I’ll be completely honest with you, I got the final edit of the pictures yesterday and I knew I wanted to post them today, but had no idea what to write about. I love the look, but it’s a casual one, it’s a look anyone can pull off and that doesn’t necessarily need an article to tell you the substance behind it. I still will, but you know, it’s a casual day outfit. What makes it dear to me is this bomber jacket as I wanted one for a while, but I wanted it to be a bit special, so this one has cute embroideries at the front aaand it’s pink. Yep, guilty. And the most special thing about this is that the choker I’m wearing is part of a yin-yang set with the second one being held by my bestie, so that we can be there for each other even when we are not physically together. So yes, a bit of substance behind it, I will give you that. But actually, while thinking what to write about while looking at these pictures I realised that it’s the “not knowing” element that makes everything better. I did not know where I am going when we shot these pictures. My friend and photographer took me to this little village and told me how cute it is. And it...