by Diana Iusco | Sep 5, 2018 | Outfits
Hello my dear, It’s September, the only time of the year apart from New Year’s Eve when people see it as a new beginning, school either ends or starts or there is a new job, a new place, a new opportunity that is being taken and a new chapter that opens. But with all that comes the doubting for the right decision, the doubting in your own powers, in your capabilities and in your chances. Not today. So to to that I have only one thing to say: you have to go with your gut feeling. I’m in a period of my life where I cannot doubt myself or overthink (mainly because my dissertation deadline is way too close for that but also) because this is it. University is over, trial is over, it’s time to step into the real world, take my inner child with me and find my way as an adult while going confidently in my direction and building a life that I love and that I will be able to say I am proud of. It’s that time when we all ask ourselves if we’ll make it, if it’s all worth it, and we start second guessing our gut feeling which got us here in the first place. But to solve this, I know I only have to say one thing: YES, I do trust my gut feeling. Yes, there will be a lot of trial and error, yes, sometimes I will need people to see the best in me while I won’t, and yes, sometimes I will change paths unexpectedly and start over, but...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 14, 2018 | Inspiration, Outfits
Hi there, Hope you’ve managed to get back into the rhythm with work, school or any other cool stuff you’re doing and that your January is all smooth sailing! Because let me tell you… I thought mine would be, but clearly it isn’t. Not sure if I need to learn a lesson this month or if I have just purely forgotten how to adult, but maaaan it has not been easy to be back. I haven’t been home for such a long period of time for a couple of years now so of course I jumped at the opportunity to be home once I had it. But if you’re like me, you know that being home is nothing like your usual life. First of all, I always announce my family that when I am back I am the child of the family and I should be treated as such. I hang up my independent lifestyle as soon as I step into the house and from then on I am doing as told or being as playful and childish as I wish, because it’s the place where I can be that and nothing bad will happen aka I’ll miss uni or won’t pay attention at work or do the – oh so boring – household maintenance such as laundry and shopping for cleaning stuff and so on. Okay, I’m joking, I’m still acting as an adult, but I’m just taking it easy, you know? But this time, when I got back I just forgot how to switch ‘home mode’ off and I stayed it that easy mood as if someone...