All Aligned

All Aligned

Good morning, my darlings! I am a strong believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that things happen at the time they are meant to happen but also that you have to work your a** off to get to your goals and dreams. See how these two are not always aligned? Like do I wait for things to happen or do I go for it? It’s been on my mind lately as it’s something that has always confused me. However, I think I have recently reached my conclusion. No one will ever be able to tell me that if you work hard, you don’t succeed. In one way or another. Sooner or later. Just as planned or completely different. But you succeed. Listen to any successful person you admire and you will see the word ‘WORK’ will come up in their speeches, A LOT. Now about the other side where you wait for things to happen, I think we should see it more like we look forward to things happening rather than we wait around, because that ‘looking forward’ thing does not mean you stop working until that happens and literally just wait around. One of Oprah’s inspiring interviews came up on my feed the other day and she was saying that you have to be ready for when your opportunity comes along. And I completely believe in that! Wait but know your breakthrough is coming, so that you don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s and wonder why yours isn’t as successful, because if I learnt something, is that you are not...