by Diana Iusco | Jun 22, 2015 | Inspiration, Travel
This cute little decoration was the first one that I bought when I went to Belgium. I am a quote lover, but I never imagined how true of a prediction this would be, and how my life just “happened” these past 5 months, showing me that plans change, but…for the better! I have heard loads of stories about Erasmus semesters, from different people, and most of the people told me that it was a great experience, and that they would not have changed it for anything. And, surprise – surprise, it’s true! I have been home for a couple of days already, and giving the fact that my last week was hectic and that everyone was leaving, Erasmus was already not the same. So, I’ll admit, I was really excited to get home. I was looking forward to relaxing days with my family, to catch-up session with my best friend, to walks around the city and so on. Bottom-line: I was ready to go home. A couple of days later and some well-deserved sleep (still not enough, but, hey I cannot sleep my life away), I am still happy to be home, but there is something missing. I cannot go into my flatmate’s room and start chatting about how our day was, I cannot pop over to our neighbours and make dinner plans, and there is no night out planned with our whole group. So, yeah, it’s not the same. They say you cannot have the best of both worlds, and I truly know that. I have my family in Romania and I study in England, so I am...
by Diana Iusco | May 4, 2015 | Inspiration
…or my life right now, and it will basically be the same thing. I was telling you the other day how many assignments I have due in these few weeks left of school and how I am struggling to keep myself motivated and not fall into procrastination. As, of course, things are easier said than done, it was not that easy. And I say this after a weekend of being home alone with the only task being doing all my assignments. Did I do some? Yes. Did I do them all? No. So, why is that? I had the conditions, the motivating mood and all the resources needed to do my work. However, I did not achieve all my goals. This is where our good, old friend, always there for you, always ready to help comes in : PROCRASTINATION. And next thing you know, you find yourself scrolling through Instagram, loading an episode of a series because you deserve a “break” or even staring at the sky through the window, meditating over and over again about your life. Because yes, this is the perfect time to do that. Oh, and all that paper mess you left on your desk for a while now, you suddenly can’t stand anymore and you are absolutely not capable of starting work until everything is clean and shiny, everything. Do you recognize yourself? I thought so. This is why I decided to write this article and call it out, because this needs to stop, because it is stopping us from being well organized, and ultimately, achieving our goals. So, what do we do? Here...
by Diana Iusco | Mar 18, 2015 | Outfits
Brugge outfit’s time to shine today! And so, you can discover that I dropped all the fanciness and glam for a pair of Converse and a taken-to-the-next-level layering outfit. It was overdue. I really enjoyed Paris and wearing heels and getting dressed up! I literally want to do that everyday! And me coming back to Leuven, which is not the most heels-friendly city, made me appreciate that even more! BUT, then… Coming back wasn’t easy, because my little trip to Paris was a few days escape from responibilities and since I barely had any internet (and for once in my life, it wasn’t such a bad thing) it really disconnected me from everything, so guess which was the first thing I had to do when I came back? Catch-up with everything. Not nice or pleasant, so after classes were done last week, my only craving was fo sleep! However, after a good sleep, girls convinced me that I should try something else too, and knowing the travel lover that I am, they tempted me with the trip to Brugge that I was talking to you about on Monday. And so, I took it as a chance of being a kid again and just wander around the city in my trainers, taking pictures and having a great laugh. To be honest, I recommend that once in a while! We’re getting too carried away, we’re becoming to stressed, and before you know it, wrinkles are already well settled on our faces! So let the wrinkes be laugh ones that would remind you of happy moments, rather that worries and problems. So...
by Diana Iusco | Feb 18, 2015 | Outfits
Hey there, beautiful reader! How was your day? I am starting to see the end of this week, and with it, of this exhausting project, so my mood switches to spreading joy and smiles, so I am trying to give some of that positive vibe and optimistic energy to you too! However, the weather has not been all sunny, to match my mood. It has been mostly gloomy this week and so, even if I tried (trust me, i did), I could not stand the cold without a coat. I just hope that spring touch that I enjoyed this Sunday will come back soon enough! So since a coat was a must, I was happy to have this fluffy pink one with me! I know you’ve seen it before, but I just can’t get enough of it! It is huge, cozy, fluffy, pink and it was a great bargain!! What else do you want from a coat? Also, I love that it is so simple and easy to wear! It is such a lovely choice to go with everything: jeans, dress, skirt, everything!! Ok, I think I bored you enough with that! I’ll just let you enjoy these pictures that I actually took just outside the campus, and trust me, it’s the most beautiful surrounding because apparently, apart from this path, there is a farm near us!! Not completely sure, but at least that’s how it looks like, and I think the horses and the cows are a good sign! I am guessing it’s an university that embraces nature, literally! Anyway, walking besides them and seeing that everyday is...
by Diana Iusco | Jan 17, 2015 | Outfits
Now that is that time of the year when the library is the main place to be, I am happy everytime I have a bit of time to escape from it! And if the sun happens to be shining at that time, I really don’t mind! So, I didn’t shy away this time either, it was so cloudy that when I saw the sun finally sneaking in through the clouds, I knew it was the perfect time to go out and do some pictures! I have barely any make up, an orange sweater on to match with the sunlight and some pearls accessorizing my look, with a little cute D hanging from my bracelet! I am in England, sun doesn’t shine often and when it does it doesn’t last for too long, so when I see some bright sunshines, I step right in front of them! Some people can’t stand having the sun in their face, but me, I simply love it! The moment the sun touches my face, I immediately start to smile! As a result, my face is all white (not that I’d usually be a tanned person or something), I actually had to be told when to open my eyes, as I was blinking all the time, but I really loved this vitamin D filling session! Oh, and as it’s been raining quite a lot recently, the river is out and so are the swans, exploring the shores, so I got a few shots with them too! I hope some sun from these pictures comes to you too, and enlightenes your weekend, making it bright and shiny...